Addition and Subtraction of Positive and Negative Numbers - Tech Talk MyMedia

Rule of Addition of Integers:

The Sum of any integers and it's opposite is equal to zero. Adding two positive integers always have a positive sum. Adding two negative integers always have a negative sum. To find the sum of a positive and negative integer, subtract the smaller absolute value from the larger absolute value and give the answer the same sign as the number with the larger absolute value

Adding Integers:

                                        (-5) + 2 = -3

                                        25 + (-21) = 4

                                        (-25) + 21 = -4

                                        (-11) + 11 = 0

Rule of Subtracting Integers:

Keep the first number and change the operation from subtraction to addition, then get the opposite sign of the second number,. Finally proceed with the regular addition of integers..

Subtracting Integers:

                                        -4 - (-7) = -4 + 7 = 3

                                        -8 - 12 = -8 + (-12) = -20

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