How to Send Large Files Through Whatsapp - Tech Talk MyMedia

How to Send Large Files Through Whatsapp?

The Maximum file size allowed for photos, videos or voice message to be sent or forwarded through Whatsapp is 16 MB on all platforms. The maximum video duration will vary based on the  of your phone's video camera.

The best method that you can send large file through Whatsapp is using Google Drive link.

How to send large file with the help of Google Drive:

  • Step 1: Open the Google Drive on your phone and click on ' + ' icon on the screen. Then you will see some options and tape on ' uoplad
  • Step 2: After your file uploaded on Google Drive, tape on the three dot menu besides that file and among options that will appear, select the 'copy link' option.
  • Step 3: Now open Whatsapp and go to the chat of the person with whom you want to share the file and in the text field, paste the link and send.

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